What a week!
aiyoh, what a hectic few days.
weather has been real crummy, with the exception of today (so maybe can sneak in some fishing R&R). worked out with nat in her spanking new gym on thursday and found muscles I never knew I had. although it was only for an hour, I could really feel the difference that evening and the next day. legs were like jelly and after I got home, just peng san already...
to make things worse, rochester was having bad thunderstorms. this always happens with the turn of seasons now that we r heading from summer to fall... oh warm days... fleeting fast...
and it just rained and rained buckets that thurday night. Fly was a real manja shit who is afraid of loud thunderclaps, so she sneaked into the house and crawled up on the staircase. hoping that we would just forgiv

anyways, it also started to hail near midnight, and nickel sized icechips were raining onto the truck. vince got real worried about the truck so both of us, in our t-shirts and shorts, got in the freezing rain and tried to cover the front of the truck with surgical drapes.... sheesh! held it down with heavy carpet, flapping in the wind all over the bladdy place... what a mess, we all got drenched.
next day, went to TK's 30th bash
we have been working on our comps since then..... sad sad sad... but work needs to be done... sigh!
here's vince...

ok, gotta make lunch. ... hope to hit the water this evening...
Aiyor. did you just post a pic of him wearing his boxers???
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